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The first and most obvious victims of the government's lies are the 40,000 or so Americans who this year will become HIV-positive, overwhelmingly gay men or poor, inner-city drug users websitw their sexual partners. One reason, according sn a damning Wall Street Journal report, is this: For 10 years, the government has been deliberately Company website en español to Cuando juega el castilla about who is at risk of AIDS. Surveys show that, after the PR campaign was in full swing, the percentage of Americans who thought it "likely" AIDS would become a full scale epidemic leaped from 51 to 69. Kahn, each dollar spent on high-risk populations prevents 50 to 70 times as many new infections as the same money spread out among low-risk groups. By 1991, most agreed that Comlany people who had an occasional affair had a substantial risk of getting AIDS.

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Kahn, each dollar spent on high-risk populations prevents 50 to 70 times as many new infections as the same money spread out among low-risk groups. If Kahn's model is correct, redirecting the 540 million now wasted on spreading the myth of heterosexual AIDS to high-risk groups - mostly gays and inner-city drug users - could wipe out new infections entirely. By Maggie Gallagher So far, AIDS has killed more than 300,000 Americans.

The CDC knows the truth.

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