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Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy

Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy

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In private life, this would be known as fraud - not only a serious sin, but a crime. DELIBERATELY FRIGHTENING AND DECEIVING TAXPAYERS What astonishing bureaucratic hubris. Even more Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy, these government officials now publicly defend their deceit. The CDC knows the truth.

Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy
Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy
Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy
Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy
Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy

Kahn, each dollar spent on high-risk populations prevents 50 to 70 times as many new infections as the same money spread out among low-risk groups. SLEAZY CDC CAMPAIGN MISSTATES RISK OF AIDS Remember those TV ads featuring the Baptist minister's son, who said, "If I can get AIDS, anyone can". One reason, according to a damning Wall Street Journal report, is this: For 10 years, the government has been deliberately lying to us about who is at risk of AIDS.

In private life, this would be known as fraud - not only a serious sin, but a crime. DELIBERATELY FRIGHTENING AND DECEIVING TAXPAYERS What astonishing bureaucratic hubris.

Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy

Alineacion deportivo de la coruña hoy

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